Colin Conway

Nielsen Innovation Studio

A platform application that modernizes Nielsen’s approach to concept testing, improves profitability, and prepares the Practice for a digital future.

Project Rundown


After a decade being a services-based consultancy delivering only hard-copy reports to clients, Affinnova (later acquired by Nielsen) was bringing their concept testing methodologies into the digital world by pivoting on a patented “evolutionary algorithm”.

A strong need to go to market required rapid prototyping, using Bootstrap as a front-end framework, in which Proof-of-Concepts were created expeditiously while development teams prepared a platform that would enable a digital future. Modular groundwork for the process in which products are dependent upon needed to be done first. In order to provide a holistic experience that supports multiple personas with asynchronous roles, automating inadequacies and streamlining workflows, a Minimum Viable Product was quickly conceived.

  • Transformed complex analog service products onto a simplified digital platform
  • Streamlined processess for internal cost reduction
  • The business became prolific in output and getting more products on the platform since launch
  • Continues to support core business and complimentary applications
  • Overarching design system created for scalability and evolution
  • Four successfully launched products: Quick Screen, Quick Predict, Quick Use, and Line & Price Optimizer
  • A Participant Survey Interface that supports all products on the platform
  • The end-to-end input/output process within projects and ancillary administrative workflows
CHALLENGES (throughout the years):
  • Intricate subject matter knowledge required
  • Acquisition created ambiguity in methodologies and therefore required fragmentation of works-in-progress
  • Multiple brandings: Affinnova, Nielsen (post-aquisition), Nielsen Connected System and Nielsen/BASES
  • Limited usage data without an existing digital product
Sketchpad Drawings for Questions and Interactive Reporting

Whiteboards and sketches in early conceptual stages

Sketches for what would eventually become Field Monitoring and Interactive Reporting


A lot of the discovery phase in Quick Screen was derived from the heavy lifting in the early stages of Quick Predict before methodologies were separated into their own respective products. Learnings from Quick Predict were used, and Quick Screen later took on the up to date look and feel to give the products an almost identical look and feel. The only exception in the case of Quick Screen is that it is lightweight and less feature-dense by comparison.

  • Multiple design iterations to discover best way to highlight takeaways from a heap of information
  • Designs verified by A/B testing and moderated remote in-person user testing sessions with internal users and analysts at associated Panel Providers.
  • Testing was done online with the services Invision and VerifyApp.

Survey Authoring & Analysis Questions

With a sensitivity to becoming an eventual client-facing workflow, automation for Just About Right questions and answer scales that, from an analyst’s perspective, was already an arduous process. The challenge therein was finding a way to simulataneously direct and educate a new user how the attribute answer scales work for each statement in a streamlined, intuitive way while limiting instructional text or jargon. Many variations of the workflow were tested and the victor, a “mad libs” approach was the sweet-spot solution in guiding the input of adjectives for standardized statements while showing how the answer scale changes when one attribute is used versus two. Statements are then loaded sequentially and propagate into their respective positions for singular editing if revisions need to be made, instead of the original bulk edit process.

Old fielding interface design and the newer updated version

Sketches for custom questions in Analysis

One of many similar workflows based off of templates for custom screener and diagnostic questions to be shown to participants in the survey.

The workflow for creating custom questions for analysis

Field Monitoring

A utility that gives analysts a comprehensive view of live participant data: completion rates, sample and quota sizes. Filtering for granular detail on answers, survey duration and respondents ensure incoming data quality and provide augmentations when needed. A mobile view was also created in order for analysts and panel providers to remotely view live field statistics.

Old fielding interface design and the newer updated version

Before & After

Scattered, convoluted views without accessible up-front data were rethought to centralize the way the data were presented, visualized and modified.


Once a project has completed the fielding process, data is ready to be synthesized in order to parse into reporting deliverables. A statistician will run code necessary for segmenting respondent data, adjusting demographic and weighting distributions, plus toggling specific features for deliverables.

Sketches for the Analytics code run process

Sketches for the Analytics process

Images for the Analytics workflow

Screens for the Analytics workflow

Interactive Reporting

Eliminating 300+ page decks, interactive reporting is a highly efficient way of providing actionable recommendations. Originally conceptualized to revolutionize client delivery, the notion was ambitious and getting it right took multiple iterations.

Although well-received in its formulation, getting clients out of PowerPoint in favor of a proposed better interactive solution met challenges in adoption. Addressing a generational gap that split preference, an editable PowerPoint solution was added for those who use it as their presentational norm.

Four screens for interactive reporting
Animated reporting filtering and navigation in action

Navigation through interactive Deliverables and filtering within their respective data sets is the mechanism that creates insights constituting consultative narratives.